What is Structural Integration?
The Structural Integration (SI) series occurs over the course of 10 sessions. It is a form of bodywork designed to bring you into greater alignment. The techniques used in SI contact your system and support the healing process through many different angles- your body/ connective tissue, your mind/ belief systems, and your emotional/ sensing body.
Receiving Structural Integration can be a journey of deep self-inquiry, discovery, and healing. It is a profound form of bodywork, that offers an effective path to address patterns in the body and bring about healing shifts.
This kind of bodywork can feel intense, because we seek to contact the deep connective tissue in the body. Connective tissue is an underlying matrix of your entire system, where all parts affect the whole and vice versa. It is a complex network of tissue that contributes to the nuances of your body’s shape and personality. It is impacted and reinforced by your experience in the world.
You may have heard the idea that we “store experiences in the body.” The connective tissue plays a significant role in shaping our physical selves. It is where information, or belief systems in a sense, become physical. Form follows function.
Sensations, just like emotions and life in general, tend to shift from one moment to the next. In SI, we get to practice the art of presence and riding the waves of those shifts. In our work together, I respect your pace and your physicality, exactly where you are at.
The first seven sessions are mostly non-symptom specific, in that they are designed to systematically unwind the body in compartments and delivered to everybody in more or less in the same way. They lay the groundwork for the final three sessions, which are specifically tailored to your individual structure. The final three sessions mold the greater myofascial planes of your body, allowing for a re-orientation to your greater alignment.
Each session has its own themes, regions of the body, and related metaphors. These themes build upon and relate to each other as the sessions progress. For example, session one finds us working primarily with the muscles of the breath. We work with these muscles first, to facilitate deeper and more aware breath, as a helpful tool for the sessions that follow.
Sessions include somatic homework exercises, and I will also send you a multidimensional self-inquiry questionnaire.
I welcome all identities and bodies into my practice. Structural Integration can support healing and shifting many issues, including:
- physical & emotional holding patterns
- physical injuries
- chronic pain or tension
- expanding mobility & embodiment
- stress & anxiety
- depression
- increasing self awareness
- supporting clarity of mind
- processing undigested emotions such as fear, anger, grief, and even joy